Air Force ASVAB Score FAQ

If you’re looking to join the Air Force and have been looking into what is required to achieve your goals, you might have some questions. Don’t worry, almost everyone does. Let’s take a look at the most frequently asked questions about testing requirements for positions in the Air Force.

What are ASVAB tests?

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test is the method to measure the strengths, weaknesses, and potential for individuals new to the armed services. The test is devised to assess your knowledge and skills through multiple-choice selection style testing in nine different categories. Your air force ASVAB scores in general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, electronics, mathematics, auto mechanical and shop knowledge, mechanical comprehension, paragraph reading comprehension, and object assembly are used to qualify you for placement in specific armed forces and air force jobs that require high ASVAB scores.

What are AFQTs?

The Armed Forces Qualification Test(AFQT) is a subset collection of categories from the ASVAB test. This score uses only four of the ASVAB categories to determine your eligibility for enlistment into the military. This is considered to be one of the most important parts of the test and consists of the basic logic and problem-solving categories. Word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, arithmetic reasoning, and mathematics are essential categories for every member of the armed forces.

The highest requirements for AFQT scoring are held by the Coast Guard and the Air Force. Potential enlistees should take extra care when preparing and taking the ASVAB on the AFQT categories. If you are considering enlisting, it would be wise to brush up on your reading comprehension, arithmetic, and math before taking the test.

How does the Air Force use them?

The Air Force has taken the ASVAB categories and reorganized them for their specific assessment purposes. The nine categories are reorganized into four composite areas: Mechanical Aptitude Score, Administrative Aptitude Score, General Aptitude Score, and Electronics Aptitude Score or MAGE for short.

The Mechanical Aptitude Score is comprised of the ASVAB general science, mechanical comprehension, and auto/shop scores. Mechanical Aptitude Scores qualify enlistees for jobs in fields like vehicle maintenance, munitions systems, and HVAC.

The Administrative Aptitude Score considers numerical operations, coding speed, and verbal expression. With the least amount of available jobs, the requirements are particularly high and only require average and above-average scores. As the name suggests, this score is used to qualify enlistees for administrative tasks such as logistics, operation resource management, and personnel.

The General Aptitude Score utilizes ASVAB arithmetic reasoning and verbal expression scores. This score is used for the majority of Air Force requirements. The Air Force has a number of tasks that need to be done consistently to maintain operations on and off base. While linguists and contractors must have the highest scores in General Aptitude, most of the Air Force personnel from cybersecurity to healthcare professionals must score above average to qualify for Air Force enlistment.

The Electronics Aptitude Score uses the ASVAB general science, arithmetic reasoning, mathematics knowledge, and electronics information scores to determine eligibility for enlistment in some of the Air Force’s most coveted positions. All Air Force jobs in systems management for aircraft, medical, airfield, and space operations require high scores to qualify. As these jobs are the heart of the Air Force, only the best of the best can be allowed to fill the job.

What is the minimum required ASVAB score to join the Air Force?

The Air Force uses the Armed Forces Qualification Test portion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery entrance exam to qualify new enlistees. High school graduates must have an overall score of 36 on the AFQT. GED Holders have to score a 50 on the AFQT.

ASVAB scores are not required to join the Air Force as an Officer, however, the AFQT is. Scoring is measured on a scale of percentiles ranging from 1 to 99.

Which Air Force jobs require a high ASVAB Score?

All Air Force jobs in the electronics field require high scores of 60 or 70 out of 99 with the exception of Electrical Systems. Other jobs that require a high Air Force ASVAB score in their categories are Linguists, Signal Intel, Public Affairs and Broadcasting, Aircraft Gunner, Aircraft Armament Systems, and Technical Applications Specialist.

Air force jobs that require high ASVAB scores may have extra testing needs. These jobs may also require Physical Assessment Stamina Tests and an audition to secure.

What are required ASVAB scores for common Air Force jobs?

The most common ASVAB score requirement for Air Force jobs is a minimum score of 44 in the General Aptitude Test. From general services, regional band involvement, and graphic art design to more serious jobs in the pharmacy, medical services sector, and pararescue. While the lowest accepted score for a couple of positions is 24, you should aim for the best you can achieve. Over-scoring on your ASVAB can open up career opportunities that you never imagined you would be doing.

If you still have questions about the Air Force ASVAB scores and Air Force AFQT scores, ask your nearest Air Force Recruiter for help to understand more.