AFQT Scores on the ASVAB

The ASVAB test is the test used by the United States military to determine eligibility for enlistment. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard all use ASVAB scores to decide whether or not an applicant is able to enlist within their services. The ASVAB is a  multiple choice test which is administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command. It is utilized by all branches of the United States Armed Forces.

There are 10 sub-tests within the ASVAB. Within those 10 tests, there are 4 sub-tests which generate an AFQT score. The AFQT score stands for Armed Forces Qualification Test. The sub-tests that compromise the AFQT are the

Arithmetic Reasoning

Mathematics Knowledge

Word Knowledge

Paragraph Comprehension

The AFQT scoring matrix is reported as percentiles between 1-99. Percentile scores are determined by how that test taker performed as compared to the reference group within that score. AFQT scores are divided into 8 different percentiles. The AFQT score chart with the categories and score ranges looks as such:

AFQT Category Score Range
I 93-99
II 65-92
IIIA 50-64
IIIB 31-49
IVA 21-30
IVB 16-20
IVC 10-15
V 1-9

How is the AFQT Calculated?

AFQT percentile scores are determined by a formula that is: AFQT=2VE+AR+MK

The VE score is the Verbal Expression score. This is calculated by adding together the test taker’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension scores. Then this is placed into a bracketed weighted VE Score. An example chart looks like this:

0-3 20
4-5 21
6-9 22
8-9 22
10-11 25
12-13 27
14-15 29
16-17 31
18-19 32
20-21 34
22-23 36
24-25 38
26-27 40
28-29 42
30-31 44
32-33 45
34-35 47
36-37 49
38-39 50
40-41 52
42-43 54
44-45 56
46-47 58
48-49 60
50 62

Once the VE score is calculated, it is multiplied by 2. Then, that score is added to by the Mathematics Knowledge and Arithmetic Reasoning scores. These scores are then placed into the following chart to map out the ASVAB test taker’s AFQT Score percentile from the 99th percentile to the lowest, 1st percentile.

Calculated Score Percentile (AFQT)
80-120 1
121-124 2
125-127 3
128-131 4
132-134 5
135-137 6
138-139 7
140-142 8
143-144 9
145-146 10
147-148 11
149-150 12
151-153 13
154 14
155-156 15
157-158 16
159-160 17
161-162 18
163-164 19
165 20
166-167 21
168-169 22
170-171 23
172 24
173-174 25
175 26
176-177 27
178 28
179-180 29
181 30
182 31
183-184 32
185 33
186 34
187-188 35
189 36
190 37
191 38
192 39
193 40
194 41
195-196 42
197 43
198 44
199 45
200 46
201 47
202 48
203 49
204 50
205 51
206 52
207-208 53
209 54
210 55
211 56
212 57
213 58
214 59
215 61
216 62
217 63
218 64
219 65
220 66
221 67
222 68
223 69
224 70
225 71
226 72
227 73
228 74
229 75
230 76
231 77
232 78
233 79
234 80
235 81
236 82
237 83
238-239 84
240 85
241 86
242 87
243 88
244 89
245 90
246 91
247 92
248 93
249 94
250 95
251 96
252 97
253 98
254-320 99

Background Education

Your level of background education can determine minimums necessary to qualify for specific branches of the armed forces as well as jobs within the armed forces. All military recruiters will encourage you to complete your high school education and get your diploma, as your minimum AFQT score will need to be higher if you do not complete your high school education and obtain a GED.

While other sections of the ASVAB are important, it is critical to pass these four sections in order to be eligible for each branches of the military.

Each branch of the US military have minimum AFQT score requirements simply to be eligible for enlisting. Please keep in mind that these would not be considered high or good AFQT scores and you should try to score much better on the ASVAB.

What Are The Minimum AFQT Scores for Each Branch of the Military?

Each branch of the United States military has a different AFQT scores. These scores can range from 0-99. A passing score for a high school graduate is about 35, however each military branch has different minimums for high school graduates for those looking to enlist:

  • Army – 31
  • Navy – 31
  • Marines – 32
  • Air Force – 36
  • Coast Guard – 40

For those with a GED, the minimum AFQT scores needed for enlistment in each branch get slightly higher:

  • Army – 50
  • Navy – 50
  • Marines – 50
  • Air Force – 65
  • Coast Guard – 50

What is an average AFQT Score?

An average AFQT score is a median score of 50. The ASVAB is refined on an annual basis to have a median score of about 50. This means that of all people taking the ASVAB test the average score will be about 50.

What is an Excellent AFQT Score?

About 16% of the population will get a ASVAB score of 60 or higher.

Why Are Good AFQT Scores Important?

Scores on various sections of the ASVAB and your overall AFQT score are important not just to be eligible for enlistment but in order to get a more desirable job once in the military. The military uses AFQT scores to determine eligibility and to assign initial positions once accepted into the military.